Corporate Governance
The role of Challenger Exploration’s Board is to set the Company’s strategic direction and objectives. It is collectively responsible for the governance of the Company and for promoting its success.
The Board delegates to management the responsibility for implementing the Company’s objectives and the day-to-day management of the Company, subject to certain limitations on such delegations. The limitations are primarily imposed by approved corporate budgets and corporate strategy which are set by the Board.
Code of Conduct
The Company is committed to ensuring that the Board, senior management and all employees always act with integrity and honesty when interacting with each other and all other key stakeholders, with these values embodied in the Company’s Code of Conduct. The Company will not make or accept any unethical financial inducement that would result in the Company, or an individual, gaining an improper advantage. Unethical financial inducements include bribe, kickbacks and other dealings of an unethical nature.
Share Trading
Directors and key management personnel may only trade in the Company’s securities if they have requested and received the approval of the Chairman prior to purchasing or selling securities and in accordance with the Company’s share trading policy.
Clear restrictions are also placed on the timing of any such transactions.
Continuous Disclosure and Market Communications
The Company has put in place mechanisms designed to ensure compliance with ASX Listing Rule requirements so that all investors will have equal and timely access to material information concerning the Company, including its financial situation, performance, ownership and governance. These processes also ensure that public announcements are factual and presented in a clear and balanced way, disclosing both positive and negative information
The Company’s objective is to have a workforce that is representative of the countries and communities in which it operates. Our workforce is employed based on the right person for the right job regardless of their gender, age, nationality, race, religious beliefs, cultural background, sexuality or physical ability.
The Company is committed to increasing diversity amongst its employees as it grows, not just in relation to gender diversity, but in its operations in consultation with local community groups and BEE partners/advisors.
A comprehensive description of the Company’s governance practices is available in the Corporate Governance Statement, Charters and related governance policies below: